
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Well Happy Easter everyone!! Today my family and I are just going to reflect on what today means to us and how and what God has given us. On how Jesus gave his life for our sins and rose from the dead. How blessed we are to live in a Country were for now we still have freedom of religion, and be thankful for all our blessings. There are so many people in this world and even in our Country that have yet to find God. I pray that those of us that are blessed in knowing God find a way to touch the people that have not found their way to God or are not believers in him. Please if you are a believer in God then do not be afraid to talk about him all the time to others. Tell them of your faith, and of the wonderful promise he has made for us that believe in him. I know some Christians that are "shy" and do not like talking about God to no one but their family, friends that they know believe in God, and at church. But we are all soldiers of God so therefore we are to go forward and spread his word and his promise to everyone, not just other Christians. So please open your mouth no matter where you are at or where you go and let the word of God flow. Happy Easter and God Bless!!